Easter speeches for free are very difficult to find on the Internet. However, here's an idea to get you started. Your speech can be focused around the actual letters of the word E A S T E R.
The idea is to start by talking about a word that starts with the letter E.
For example you could take the word Easter and say that many people think about easter eggs at this time of year - but that there's more to it than that.
Next you focus on a word starting with A, for example Arimathaea.
You could say that the reason Christians remember Easter is because of what happened at Arimathaia where Jesus was placed into a sealed tomb.
Next, S could stand for sacrifice. The story starts with the crucifixion of Jesus.
Then you need a word starting with T, such as thorns and you could talk about the crown of thorns worn by Jesus as he made his way to Calvary.
The second E might stand for everlasting. Though Jesus died on the cross his influence is everlasting.
This is partly because of the resurrection, starting with the letter R, when Jesus rose again from the dead.
You can make up your own words starting with these letters, but certainly it's a good way to create easter speeches for free.
Here's an example written for a 9 year old child:
“Easter is very important to me. It’s a time when I get Easter Eggs! It helps me to remember Jesus and how important he is in our lives. He died on the cross for our sins and came back to life – he truly is a special man. Let me use the word EASTER to finish my speech. E is for Eggs, A is for Amazing Jesus, S is for Sharing (not my Eggs!), T is for Tell everyone about Jesus, E is for Eggs! and R is for Eggs! Thank you.”
Want to find out “How To Write Easter Speeches That Captivate Your Audience And Then Stand Up And Make These Speeches With Zero Stress”? Click here to read more and get the help you need.
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