Where To Buy Instant Speeches

Solve Your Speech Writing Problem In Less Than 5 Minutes

I've identified some very useful web sites where you can buy professionally written Instant Speeches. These are either available for download or sent to you by email.

I just wish these had been available when I gave my best man speech (many years ago when I was terrified of public speaking).

The good points about these ready made speeches are that they save you time - and give you confidence that you're not missing something vital out of your speech. Also you will receive your speech in minutes.

Each site has many favourable comments from past customers, and the ready made speeches are all available at around about the US$20-30 mark (as at February 2005).

You can read my detailed reviews about each site. Or you can go straight off to visit the site. In each case I've given you the link below.

See my detailed review of this instant special occasion speeches web site. You can buy a wide range of speeches from Wedding to Bnai Mitzvah.

See my detailed review of the speech writers web site. Speech-writers.com is the only one of the sites listed here that offers individually written speeches. However, you can also buy one ready made. Again a wide range of speeches are available.

See my detailed review of this instant best man speech web site. Unlike the other two site, this one offers just one type of speech: the best man.

See my detailed review of this instant wedding speech web site. You can find speeches for the best man, maid of honor and father of the bride, plus a wedding planning ebook.

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