Welcome to our retirement speeches pages where you will find plenty of tips, free example toasts, and also advice on how to create your own farewell words.
Just like at weddings or other special occasions, you have just one chance to convey your best wishes. At the same time it's great if you can introduce some humour into your words.
A little preparation in advance can give you a great deal of confidence beforehand and also when you are speaking.
Another similarity to wedding speeches is that most of your audience are likely to know the person about whom you are speaking. Most likely everyone listening to you will be feeling that you are speaking on their behalf.
In fact this type of speech is quite easy when you follow the formula we recommend.
Here are some specific pages on this web site you might like to visit:
On our Free Retirement Speeches page you'll find our advice on the three key components of your speech. Also we give you a brief example speech.
At Ideas For A Retirement Speech you'll read about where to gather ideas for your talk. It's not so difficult as you might think.
Humorous Retirement Speeches is about finding the right balance between humour and kindness. Making up jokes on the spur of the moment can backfire.