Eulogies - How To Make A Eulogy With Professionalism And Respect

When somebody passes away, it is always a difficult and upsetting time.

Arrangements have to be made for the funeral and loved ones begin the grieving process.

If you're asked to make a short eulogy at the funeral, you must do it with the utmost respect for the deceased and with the greatest professionalism.

A eulogy is a short speech that praises the deceased and highlights the positive things they have done during their life.

It's important to get your facts right (which may involve speaking to family members). Any stories or anecdotes should be relayed with compassion and humour (if appropriate).

You can use humour if humour formed part of the story you are telling.

You must never swear, belittle anyone or make statements that are controversal. Your eulogy should be straight and true.

Always write out your eulogy and read through it (probably 10 to 20 times) before the day. You need to be comfortable with the eulogy and how it reads.

The length of the eulogy should be a maximum of five minutes (unless you have been specifically asked to speak for longer). The optimum speech time is three to five minutes.

On the day, arrive at the funeral venue 10 minutes early and check out where you are going to be standing to make the eulogy. If you are in a church, make sure you can see your eulogy as some churches can be dimly lit.

It is acceptable to have your eulogy in front of you as a memory aid, but try not to read it directly. This will be obvious to your listeners and ruin your eulogy.

When it is your turn to speak, make your way calmly to your speaking position and make your speech. After your eulogy, return to your seat. When you are walking, keep your head slightly bowed and avoid too much eye contact with the other attendees. Good luck!

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