Public Speaking Help - Where To Find Help And Advice

The most important thing is to determine what kind of help you require.

If you are new to public speaking then you should look for help that caters for novices.

It is easy to become engrossed in the information and overwhelmed at what needs to be done. It would be of benefit to list out the key points of the help that you need. You should then begin your search for help.

Sources Of Help

1) Books

There are many books available that give help and advice on public speaking and making speeches. You should try your local book store or visit an online bookstore such as

2) Web Sites

There are many web sites on public speaking and speeches (including this one!).

You should use a specific keyword search in your favorite search engine (eg. The more specific the keyword, the better the list of search results you will get back.

3) Local Training Companies

Local training companies will almost certainly offer courses on public speaking or presenting skills. They can advise on the best course for you and some courses will result in a qualification.

The training course would normally charge for the training. This could be in the order of several hundred pounds/dollars.

4) Local Colleges

Local colleges should provide a range of evening classes which may cover public speaking.

These courses/classes are useful as they will normally be run in the evenings so they will not interfer with daytime activities.

Details will be found in your local telephone directory or Yellow Pages.

5) Observation

You can easily observe other people making speeches. Watch politicians, chat show hosts or awards acceptance speeches as they will be very fluent and give you some good ideas.

Also watch how people speak in everyday life. Hear how they sound and what happens when they become flustered.

Make notes about what you experience and use these notes to help improve your own public speaking.

6) Distance Learning Centres

These are normally colleges that offer courses that can be taken from home. The material is sent via post and you are expected to study the material on your own time. Some courses have exams and some are just for fun. You can find out more at

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